Highly-functional Material Week - Osaka Show
May 14 - 16, 2025
INTEX Osaka, Japan

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Yih Hwa Enterprise (S) Pte Ltd

Yih Hwa Enterprise (S) Pte Ltd

Why visit our stand

Since established in 1992, we have supplied premium adhesive tapes to over 18 countries and are trusted by over 1548 clients globally due to our reliable quality and exceptional customer service.


Our team boasts over a century of collective expertise, specialising in adhesive tapes for diverse industries including home appliances, automotive, electronics, construction, printing and signage. We pride ourselves on close collaborations with our clients to deliver customised adhesive tape solutions that precisely meet their unique requirements. Leveraging our extensive experience, we offer sound technical advice, private label, and shipping services, ensuring a seamless experience for our clients.

Brands we represent

Yih Hwa, Eurocel



Adhesion & Bonding Expo [Osaka]

Other Feature

Overseas Exhibitor


シンガポール34956985 Genting Lane, #07-03, Guan Hua Warehouse, Singapore 349569

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Highly-functional Material Week - Osaka Show